Researchers at our chair

Robert Schmidt (professor): applied microeconomic theory; areas of interest: environmental, industrial & political economics; e.g., game theoretic analysis of international climate cooperation, carbon taxation, environmental incentive regulation, carbon leakage, technological change, strategic environmental policy, electoral competition, game theory; publications/CV

Bianca Rundshagen (professor – apl. Professorin): applied microeconomic theory; areas of interest: game theoretic analysis of international climate cooperation, environmental policy and induced technical change, environmental liability law, economics of crime; publications/CV

Vitus Bühl (Ph.D. student): applied microeconomic theory; areas of interest: game theoretic analysis of international climate cooperation, cooperation with tipping points in the climate system, game theoretic methods for smart grids; CV

Hendrik Hoegen (Ph.D. student): areas of interest: game theory, econometrics, data science

Leanne Streekstra (Postdoc): areas of interest: game theory, fair allocations, mechanism design; CV

Mikroökonomie | 10.05.2024